Content of Foundation Level examination
The available time for Foundation Level exam in English is 75 minutes.
Exam questionnaire consists of 40 questions. Each question has 4 answers – 1 correct and 3 incorrect ones. Correct answer should be selected and marked. Each correct answers has 1 score. In order to have a successful exam, at least 26 scores shall be achieved.
Each question shall be based on ISTQB Foundation Syllabus.
Content-based clustering for the questions is based on 7 chapters of the syllabus (2011):
Fundamentals of Testing (7 questions)
Testing Throughout the Software Life Cycle (6 questions)
Static Techniques (3 questions)
Test Design Techniques (12 questions)
Test Management (8 questions)
Tool Support for Testing (4 questions)
Module | Number of questions | Exam Length (in minutes) |
Exam Length + 25% (in minutes) |
Foundation Level | 40 | 60 | 75 |
Agile Tester Extension | 40 | 60 | 75 |
Model-Based Tester Extension | 40 | 60 | 75 |
Content of Advanced Level examination
Each Advanced Level exam module (i.e. Test Manager, Test Analyst and Technical Test Analyst) has an independent exam, consisting of multiple-choice questions split 'roughly' in line with the Learning Objectives of each chapter.
Each question answered correctly scores between one and three points, reflecting the difficulty, and the candidate must reach a score of 65% to pass the exam.
The number of questions and exam timing for each module is indicated in the following table. If the candidate's native language is not the exam language, the exam duration is increased by 25%.
Module | Number of questions | Exam Length (in minutes) |
Exam Length + 25% (in minutes) |
Advanced Test Manager | 65 | 180 | 225 |
Advanced Test Analyst | 60 | 120 | 150 |
Advanced Technical Test Analyst | 45 | 120 | 150 |
Test Automation Engineer | 40 | 90 | 118 |
Security Tester | 45 | 120 | 150 |
Examination Applications Guidelines
- Please note that your application will only be considered valid if submitted within the application deadline, which is 10 working days before the exam date.
- We recommend using your personal Gmail account when applying.
- Apply from here : Application Page
- If your company is interested in purchasing a group exam for your employees, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.